mustering over 2010

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Much ado about nothing.

Friday June 20th 1930:

Decided today to go to Wandangi, as a big crowd should be there over weekend on account of races tomorrow. Left after lunch, Glen accompanying me. Had a great run through. Road very good at the other end. Did not go bush this time. Reached the ‘dangi at 7 pm after a 140 miles run. Retired early.

Saturday June 21st 1930:

A great crowd in the town today. Surprised that so many should gather at this place. Most of the folk strangers to me and I thought I knew nearly everone around here. Hard to get a bed at the hotel. Went across to the grounds for a while and had a sleep in a car. Weather terribly cold down here. Overcoats in great demand.

Sunday June 22nd 1930:

The country is going to the dogs. Too many crooks about. My overcoat was taken off my bed last night while I slept but got it back. While at breakfast my swag cover was taken and have not seen it since. Did some visiting this morning. Had S.S this afternoon and a crowd of 18 turned up. Cannot get anyone to take on the regular working of a school here, so gave the children something to do for a few Sundays. Will try and arrange for a correspondence class to be started. Not a great many out at service at night. Not as many as I expected. Perhaps their celebrations were too much for them. The folk cannot sing down here.

Monmday June 23rd 1930:

Was very cold turning out this morning. Left after breakfast on return trip. Called at several places on the way. Had lunch of corned beef and damper at No 6on Barclay. Reached Camooweal at 4 pm. Cleaned up and got right into writing.

Tuesday June 24th 1930:

Spent the day in reading and writing. Quite a number in the town, gathering in readiness to move out to attend the Rankine race meeting.

Wednesday June 25th 1930:

Town still quite lively and although several carloads left for the Rankine. Others have been arriving in all day. Should have a big crowd out there. Two C.W.A representatives arrived from south and went out after a meeting here. Ladics (?) Somers arrived in her plane but did not stay other than to fill up with benzine. The ambulance plane is also broken down here, and Doug Cotton and Wilson are here in their moth, so that for a while 5 planes at the ‘drome. Everybody will be gine tomorrow and the place will be dead again. Was at the Rankine last year myself but not attending this year.

Thursday June 26th 1930:

A very quiet day. Practically noone about. Did some reading and writing.

Friday June 27th Saturday June 28th 1930 Same as previous days.

Sunday June 29th 1930:

Had Sunday School this morning and except for a few wo were out at Rankine, had a full muster. Very few out at serv ice at night, nearly all kiddies. Had short service. Rankine races has affected the tone and temper of the population. All will be normal in a few days though.

Monday June 30th 1930:

Dr did mot arrive back with Reilly’s car, so had to get my bus ready for a run into Isa. Left at 12.15, with a Mr Matherson, Kath and Betty. A good run. Reached Isa in time for tea. Met the train afterwards. Stayed the night at Smith’s hotel.

Tuesday July 1st 1930:

Had a busy morning in Mt Isa and left with a good load, including 4 head of livestock. Had lunch along the road, reached the ‘weal at 6 pm. A fair crowd in the town. After tea had it put to me to return to Mt Isa with two C.W.A reps who had to catch the 5 am train. Left at 8.30 pm and reached Isa at 3.30 am. had fried eggs at Mrs Boyd’s and took them to the train which bore them off at 5.50 am. Turned in at 5 30 am.

Wednesday July 2nd 1930:

Up at 8.30 am and did some business in the town and left at 11.30 am. 50 miles from home a wheel turned inside out and held me up for an hour. Reached home without further trouble. A bit tired and intended retiring early but was late when eventually did get in.

Thursday July 3rd 1930:

Did not get up too early. Got mail and papers and read them. Washed 6 pairs of trousers. A few folk here at night. Played gramaphone for a while and retired.

Friday July 4th 1930:

School inspector arrived today so was unable to pay my visit for religious instruction. Weather keeping very warm. C.W.A meeting and dance at night. Did not attend. Tried to do some study but not too successful.

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