mustering over 2010

Monday, April 30, 2012

At everyone's beck and call?

Thursday Feb 15th  1934:
After having washed the breakfast things this morning I put on my copper of washing. The copper being a 4 gallon petrol drum with the top cut out of it. Had old Fred Murray call in to  be driven home to his camp. When I went down for the car found that Bill Kirk had got in before me, so after waiting awhile and he did not return I hopped into Mr Dalling’s which was outside the store and went up and took Keith to the hospital in it. Brought it straight back as I thought Mr Dalling may be wanting it. Billy brought Synnotts home soon after so I took that one then and took Fred to his camp and Keith home. Finished my washing after lunch and then got cleaned and went to the hall to fix up for the pictures. Went and had a haircut before starting at the hall. Had two ‘smokos’, one at Pedwells and one at Cronins. Fixed the hall and then had tea. Went up and got Synnotts car and called for Keith and took him to the hall. A big crowd turned up at night and seemed to enjoy the program. Drove Keith home afterwards as well as Mrs Watson, Marj and Frank. Called in and yarned until midnight at Mosterts. Weather is very hot and the sky is overcats all day with heavy cloud but except for light sprinkles no rain.
I have been very lax with my diary as it is now the end of March but I am not attempting to write all the doings up in detail. The main happening of all that time has been the abduction of Ellen Hooker by Jack Logan when they cleared out in J.Connolly’s car. The search and chase by planes and car occupied just about a fortnight of time, when they were caught at Rifle Creek waiting for a train. I had two trips into Mt isa then to bring home Ellen and take her back again for the court case. Also a court case in Camooweal when I was Council for the defence, when the Crown decided to send Ellen to a state institution. Logan is now out on bail awaiting his trial in Cloncurry on May 21st. I had another trip into Mt Isa taking in Mrs Wilson to see Mavis. Had a couple of trips to both selections. A picnic to the selection at Nowranie on St Pat’s Day. I had a weekend at Avon while Rev Richardson was in town when I had a very happy time and had a nice crowd at the service there. The Anzac Day committee is busy now with the preparation  of its program as well as the committee formed to entertain the Governor when he arrives.
Sunday April 1st  1934:
This day finds me at Planet Downs at which place I arrived on Friday night. I left Camooweal on Thursday afternoon after delaying my departure for two days waiting on a lorry from Mt Isa which had broken down and which was bringing out a box of fruit that I was to bring down here. When I left the lorry had not arrived so of course I did not bring the fruit. Thursday night I stayed at Undilla and left there in company with the mailman on Friday.
( Good Friday). Cecil’s car was not running too well and so we had  numerous stops before we eventually discovered the cause of the trouble was a grasshopper which had worked its way into the carburettor. We stopped for awhile at THorntonia and at the Lily boiled the billy reaching the Gregory just before sundown. I went across to the station for awhile and then picked up Fred Muller and Len Smith at the hotel and came on here, arriving just after dark. We met Harry Foster along the track today and had a yarn to him. He had been to Gregory and was on his way home. Old Dick Garrett was at his letter box too and is very feeble now and does not seem now too long for this world. Yesterday was a busy day here, the early part being taken up with decorating the two homes for the wedding which took place in the front garden of the old people’s home at 5pm. The wedding went off very nicely and the bride and her attendants all looked very charming. The reception was held on the verandah of Ted’s home after which dancing was indulged in. At about 10.30pm I was given the job of driving the newly wedded couple back to the Gregory where they will in future reside at the hotel. I got back here awhile after midnight. This morning although Sunday was a busy time in cleaning up after all the visitors  had departed. We, of the permanent staff, went across to the river this afternoon and had a very enjoyable time in the river, it was lovely. After tea tonight we all gathered at the old folk’s home and we the aid of the gramaphone and hymn books had a good sing and finished with a reading and prayer.
Monday April 2nd  1934:
Finlays left for home this morning and have a hundred mile run in front of them. I got all packed up and ready for the road too but instead of leaving helped the boys in fixing a sewing machine which kept us going all the afternoon. Just before tea we all went dowm on the lorry the 5 miles to Donaldsons and I told them I would be showing pictures at Planet so afterv tea they came up when we all went to the movies out in the open and then played the gramaphone finishing up with beer? and cake.
Tuesday April 3rd  1934:
Left Planet after breakfast this morning and came on to Donaldsons. Splinter and old Parker were just gloing down to the shed to clean up a bit of shearing so I spent the morning with them and am now qualified to get a job in any shearing shed. Had lunch here and after leaving cards etc for the two boys went on and called in at Almoras, stayed here awhile and next stopped for a few minutes at Gordon Smiths and then just at sundown reached Brookdale. Pulled in and had tea after which showed the pictures and then retired.
Wednesday April 4th  1934:
After breakfast had a talk to the children and left the cards and books again. Called in at Clarkes and stayed for lunch and ten on  as far as old Bill Souters. Sgtopped and had a yarn to him and then came into Burketown, pulling in at the Police Station. Folk around here all seemed pleased tom see me and feel sure it was genuine. Mrs Hosiers birthday today so I dropped right into the pargty held at night at which a nice crowd gathered and all enjoyed themselves. Just as I arrived they were about to bottle beer here so I fell in for the job of corking it all. Went up after tea and had a game of tennis which was very nice.
Thursday April 5th  1934:
I spent a very lazy day today, doing practically nothing and enjoyed it too. Had a good read and a bit of a sleep and then went up and played tennis. After tea the Captain from the lighter came up and we argued on many subjects until it was time to go to bed.
Friday April 6th  1934:
Spent another very enjoyable lazy morning in reading. After lunch went up to the school and talked to the children and the called on a few folk and had some tennis. Several of the country folk arrived in town this aftgernoon. Spent the afternoon at home talking, sleeping and reading.
Saturday April 7th  1934:
Spent this morning in helping Jim cleaning up the engine of their car and other jobs about it. Did some writing. Paddy called after lunch and we went to tennis. A social evening was held in the hall at night in  aid of the hospital at which a big crowd gathered and which I presented myself at for awhile.
Sunday April 8th  1934:
A very hot day. Got the children together for Sunday School this morning and had a happy time. Had a lie off after lunch and then a few of us went out to the lake for a swim. A very nice gathering assembled in the hall for service at night after which it was home and bed.

Sunday April 9th  1934:
I decided that today would be an off day so after doing a bit of writing this morning I went down to the boat taking Miss McDonald with me and we had morning tea with the Captain. We then got into the rowing boat and went fishing for awhile but caught nothing. After lunch Mr Askin, Jim and I went down to the punt and fished for the remainder of the afternoon  but I was the only lucky one, landing two nice ones.
Tuesday April 10th  1934:
Mr and Mrs Hosier and Gladys having decided to do the Normanton Croydon trip with me also decided we should take the Vauxhall instead of my bus so this morning was spent in getting it ready. After lunch I went out to see the folk and make arrangements for the pictures and social at night. Returning home I found fresh arrangemnets made in which the ladies and Vauxhall do not figure but Mr Hosier and Jim and I go in the Ford. We all spent a very happy time at the hall at night with pictures first and games afterwards.
Wednesday April 11th  1934:
All up early this morning and rolled swags, loaded up the car and left  about 8am. Our first stop was 25 miles out at Armraynald station where we had morning tea. Peter is cooking here now. Mr Seamer was also here chasing the buffalo flies. We ent on and after traveling another 25 miles came to Wernadinga station  and there stayed  and had anoher morning tea and then stayed to lunch. I had to fix one of the back wheels here which was loose by packing the axle with a piece of petrol tin. From here on the rough road began and it was rough. 12 miles along a bit of carburettor trouble held us up for awhile and ten miles further we met Laurie Hanson in trouble with his car and put in an hour with him but could not do much. He got back into Burketown alright however. We went on and came up with the Inverleigh stock camp where we stopped and had smoko. Went on again and had a bit of kangaroo shooting in one place and made camp for the night.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Saturday Jan 20th  1934:
Up at 5.30am this morning and went to ‘drome and saw Mel off on plane, going home to Melbourne. Came home and went to bed again. Later did my ‘good deed for the day’. Called at a few places. Did my Satuurday morning shopping. Played tennis in the afternoon, prior to which visited the hospital in company with several others in connection with the proposed  building of a new ward.  After tea had Grace and Marj up for a while going through Sunday’s S.S lesson. Larry, Neville and I then went boating and swimming in the river.
Sunday Jan 21st   1934:
Took Keith up this morning before S.S and then had a nice roll up at the hall at 11am. After lunch went out to Rocklands to take Pat home. Daphne and Rene coming too. Spent the remainder of the afternoon at home. Brought my pup back with me. Had a fair gathering at the service held at night. Stayed for awhile at Robertsons afterwards.
Monday Jan 22nd   1934:
Started a bit of hard work today in the erecting of a bathroom, a terribly hot windy day too. Got everything ready and went down to Wilsons and got the crowbar put in good order. Victor came up and had lunch with me and afterwards helped me sink the four block holes. I went on then and put the blocks in. Feeling off color today. Stomach out of order and full of pains. Retired early.
Tuesday Jan 23rd  1934:
Did not get an early start today but got a fair bit of the job done and hope to finish tomorrow. Having to take Keith up, makes a big break in the morning. After tea  a crowd of us went rowing and swimming. Very nice too.
Wednesday Jan 24th  1934:
Finished the bathroom today, all but putting the shower in. Mail got in last night and we all got our letters this morning. Old Fred Murray after a day and night out called early this morning and had breakfast with me and then I took him home to his camp. Got quite a nice mail on the ordinary one and my usual on the air mail. Finished eve another party on the river and this time boiled the billy and had supper.

Thursday Jan 25th  1934:
Finished everything off and had a good clean up all round. Bathroom and shower are very good. Got Jack to cut my hair today wile he was in town. Visited several places in town. Played some tennis. Spent the morning round at Sal’s.
Friday Jan 26th  1934:
Had a busy morning preparing the plans of the proposed additions and alterations at the hospital. Finished after lunch and then did some writing. Very hot day and after tea worked up a storm which recorded 56 points of rain. Went to the hall at night and with others was very busy in getting the hall ready for tomorrow’s big wedding.
Saturday Jan 27th  1934:
A very busy day all day. Down at the hall all the time. A very nice effort was the result however and all very pleased. The ceremony at 7pm wnt off nicely and Ivy looked very nice, so did Grace. About 100 guests sat down to the breakfast which was an excellent one. The latter part of the night was taken up with dancing.
Sunday Jan 28th  1934:
Went down early and helped clean up the hall but left the archway and the pulpit for the night service. Had a good roll up at S.S. Part of the afternoon was spent in taking photos of the bridal party and later in cooling off down in the river. The night service was well attended and a good feeling throughout it. Stayed at Robertsons for awhile and had some of the wedding cake and then called and said goodbye to Neville and Corrienne.
Monday Jan 28th  1934:
The dismantling at the hall commenced this morning and before long order and beauty was reduced to chaos and disorder. It seemed a pity that the decorations could not have been left as they were. The council lorry did the carting away of the borrowed tables, timber etc. I had to get the loan of Synnotts car today to take Keith to the hospital and will have to continue doing so until I do mine up. We finished the hall this morning and after lunch Lawrie and I rolled the tennis court and then I marked it.  Came home and cleaned myself and the house up and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at tennis. A big crowd down today too. Went up to the hospital for awhile after I came home from tennis and yarned to the patients and staff.
Tuesday Jan 29th  1934:
I decided to have a bit of a washing day this morning as there was much that was dirty, so boiled up sheets, pillowslips, towels, hankies, pyjamas, singlets, underpants and sox; did not boil the sox. Had to go for Keith a usual and also was called upon while I had the car to go to the areodrome and tow the two planes out of the hangar. While out called at Mosterts and Wilsons. Finished the washing after lunch and then got cleaned and went to the hall and started typing sheets of songs for out next community night. A big storm swept the town about 5pm but although plenty of dust only a few points of rain. Good rain all round however. Mail lorry is bogged a few miles out from Isa. Did some more typing after tea. 
Wednesday Jan 31st   1934:
After breakfast this morning I started on the car, pulling the engine down and managed to get a fair bit done before I was to knock off and go and get the car to go for Keith. I had forgotten on the night of the wedding to get both parties to sign in one of the required places and was fortunate in catching them this morning before they got away. I did a bit more to the car after lunch, then got cleaned and went around to collect the music books for the community singing. Called in for a while at Watsons. Went up to the hall and did some more typing. Had some tennis after tea. Robertson and I then finished the word sheets.
Thursday Feb 1st  1934:
Did a bit of more work on the car this morning and then went for Keith. While he was at the hospital I drove around the town and told folk about the community singing and a picnic to be held on Saturday. Did not finish the round until lunch time, when  the mail plane, a day late on a/c of rain, arrived so went up and met it collecting all the parcels etc, as I had Synnotts car. After lunch I cleaned and oiled a clock for Mrs Mostert, then called at Booths and arranged for the loan of a lorry  for Saturday.  Went down then to Wilsons and cut the old chap’s and Allan’s hair. Made some final arrangements then for singing at night and went home and got cleaned. Had 2 sets of tennis then tea. Fixed the seats in  the hall and then home and changed. Hospital and saw 2 mothers and 2 babies. Community singing went well, not as many present as last time.
Friday Feb 2nd  1934:
Did a lot more work on the car this morning before had to knock off and do my good deed for the day. Got some writing done during the afternoon and later played some tennis. Got a few more letters written after tea  and went down and left them at Reilly’s to be picked up by the pilot in the morning.
Saturday Feb 3rd  1934:
Had a bit of bother this morning in securing a second lorry for the picnic but eventually got Dr Ramsay’s to drive myself. Got Synnotts car tgen to go around and let the folk know that one lorry would be leaving at 11am and another at 1.30 pm. Took Keith to the hospital and then after collecting all the requirements for the picnic loaded about 50 on the lorry  and out to Nowrainie. After lunch the other lorry and 4 car loads arrived and a happy day was spent in swimming, games etc. Arrived home at dusk , all very burnt and tired.
Sunday Feb 4th  1934:
Mother’s Birthday:
Intended sending her a telegram yesterday but in the rush of picnic arrangements forgot to cll at the P.O. Took Keith up befire S.S this moring and then had a good roll up at the hall. Had dinner over with Jim Synnott both of us finishingn off a duck each tthat Jim shot yesterday. Spent the afternoon at home and had a nice number at the night service. Had supper over at Reilly’s.
Monday Feb 5th  1934:
Thought of mum’s telegram several times today but forgot when I was down near the P.O. Spent nearly all day on the car with only a break in the morning to go with Keith to the hospital. Had some tennis after tea and later went to the hospital and visited the patients.
Tuesday Feb 6th  1934:
 Sent mum’s telegram this afternoon, also one to Mrs James in Townsville whose two little boys were drowned in the river down there. Am not able to do much on the car in the mornings as time spent in taking Keith to the hospital occupies most of the time. Got some more done this afternoon, then went down to tennis and after tea a party of us went rowing on the river, taking the gramapohone with us. Had a good time on the water and in the water and finished up boiling the billy on the bank.
Wednesday Feb 7th  1934:
Got a bit more work done this morning and again this afternoon. Had a couple of airplane mechanics look the engine over and give me some advice. A parcel of new parts came on the plane today but had to sedn away to Brisbane for some oters. Had tennis before tea and afterwards called at Dawsons for awhile and then went around to Mosterts.
Thursday Feb 8th   1934:
The weather is getting very hot again so we are hoping it will bring rain this time. Did not do any work on the car today as callers detained me this morning and my interest in a book after lunch drove all thought and incination for work away, Had some tennis after tea  and then went up to the hospital.
Friday Feb 9th  1934:
Had no time for car work again today as had too many other things to do. Spent most of the day getting letters written and had my usual number of jobs for other people to do. Anoter very hot day.
Saturday Feb 10th  1934:
Did a little bit more to the car this morning and then had to knock off to go to the hospital, get my milk, do a bit of shopping etc. Went down and got Lowrie then and rolled and marked the tennis court. Had Grace and Marj up to go through the lesson for S.S tomorrow. Larry Darcy called then for the loan of a tyre and tube so as he could go to Mt Isa to meet Mrs Beaumont and Audrey. Went down then and had some tennis before and after tea.
Sunday Feb 11th  1934:
(Normal Sunday activities.)
Monday Feb 12th  1934:
Hoped to get a good day’s work done on the car today but too many interruptions although managed to get a fair bit done. Weather very hot again.
Tuesday Feb 13th  1934:
Another broken and interrupted day. First had to take Keith and do a few messages for myself. Then came home and got started again when Jim Synnott came up and asked me to go out about 6 miles and take petrol  to the mail lorry which had run out of it. One of the men walked in. Went out and back again and then helped unload at the P.O. after which took the papers to both stores. Got in about an hour on the car when it was time to stop and get ceaned and go to the school for R.I. Went down then and got my mail and as the snaps of the wedding party came in it was busy taking them around to those interested. Had some tennis and then called at Watsons and Mosterts.
Wednesday Feb 14th  1934:
Did a bit on the car this morning until time to go to the hospital and for milk etc. Then took my washing and got notices ready for pictures and a letter for the council meeting. Got my air mail then and came home and worked on the car until 6pm. After tea talked to some of the men who are in from the stations for the hospital and council meetings. Then home and writing. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Too hot to handle?

Friday Dec 8th 1933:


Left here after breakfast this morning and had in 2 extra passengers, Charlie Anderson and Tom Slack. In a couple of miles ran out of last nights rain. No water in the Buckley.Struck a bad spot a couple of miles this side of Campbells but did not have to pout the chains on. Called in at Campbells but did not stay as it was starting to rain. Got home aright and found they had a big storm in town last night. Kaiser Creek is still running. Delivered my passengers and then home. Had lunch at the hotel. Cleaned up after lunch and did some writing.

Sunday Dec 10th 1933:

Held S.S this morning and had a fair number out. Missed Lulu this morning as she is now working at the hospital. Spent the afternoon at home mostly sleeping; too hot for anything else. Held service at night.

Tuesday Dec 12th 1933:

Wentout this morning with Mr Jago and shire officials to survey and peg a line of fencing. Hot weather but I drove the lorry. After lunch got cleaned and went to the school and then called on several folk and at night attended a School Committee metting. Had a bit of a storm while the meeting was on.

Wednesday Dec 13th to Dec 31st 1933:

In Camooweal mostly with one run into Mt Isa taking Mrs Dawson and Pat in with me. Weather very hot. A few storms occasionally but nothing much. School sports on 15th. Communion in Xmas morning. Community singing at night. Picnic Boxing Day.

Few in for the races on 30th. A quiet Xmas on the whole. All ready for the New Year.


Jan 1st 1934:

Tthe New Year was ushered in with intense heat, in spite of which the more energetic of the locals spent the day o the tennis court and cricket oval. The match between the town and country resulting in a win for the town by 50 runs on the first innings. I had the pitch to roll and everything to get ready in the morning. Then at 11am there was Keith to call for and take to the hospital to have his leg dressed. Today will be the last for some time that we will see in town visitors from the country.

Tuesday Jan 2nd 1934:

We are still bearing up under the extreme heat although it is very grying. I have not felt much like doing anything at all today so acted as I felt. Took Kath up to the hospital at the usual time. The mail was in on time today so we got letters before lunch. Late in the afternoon I then decided to go down and have a cool off in the river and very nice too.

Wednesday Jan 3rd 1934:

In spite of the heat I decided I must do a bit today so started in on cleaning up and tidying around the place and t was necessary too. Had a big burn up in the back yard. Plane got in today but pilot and passengers stated it was a bad day for flying. They went 10 000 feet to try and get out of the bumps.n Took Keith up as usual. Had some tennis after tea.

Thursday Jan 4th 1934:

The heat of today was the best yet and at 6 o’clock it was still 106. I put some hessian around the ground floor this morning. Looked after Keith and tried to get cool. Played tennis after tea. Hot too.

Friday Jan 5th 1934:

The weather still continues with the temperature well over the century but so far it has brought no rain locally. This morning was chiefly spent in writing and after lunch I had to be parson and undertaker and collect the coffin, take it to the morgue, place the body in and secure same and then use the car as a hearse, call for the relatives and mourners ( two in number) and go to the cemetery, conduct the service and help fill in the grave. Such was the funeral of the half caste Elston baby. Had then to go to the hall to get things ready for the pictures at night which were very good and a good house.

Saturday Jan 6th 1934:

I had 3 bottle trees sent in yesterday from Thorntonia so got yo work this morning and put them in and hope they will grow in spite of the very hot weather.

Went down at midday and marked the tennis court so it will be in order when anyone wants to play. Took some drums then which I collected from Synnotts and went over to the river and filled them to water my trees. Had a swim while down there. After tea a few of us had a couple of sets of tennis.

Sunday Jan 7th 1934:

A quiet day with S.S in the morning nand Church at night. A plague of grasshoppers seriously inconvenienced things during the service.

Monday Jan 8th 1934:

Started in to clean up the house this morning and it took some cleaning too with the result that bundles of old papers etc were burnt. Geoff called up for awhile in the morning. I had to make the usual break at 11am to take Keith to the hospital. Went down the river and filled the drums again and of course hads a swim. Affter tea had some tennis and tgen called at the hospital and went round to the Mosterts for awhile.

Tuesday Jan 9th 1934:

Finished cleaning and tidying up this morning and the place looks and feels much better. Took Keith to the hospital and after lunch went down to Dawsons for awhile. Had some tennis both before and after tea.

Wednesday Jan 10th 1934:

The heat wavwe still prevails but so far no deaths. Too hot to do much at all. Have no inclination to exert myself. Spent most of today finding a cool spot in which to read and a bit of writing. Took Keith up as usual. Had some tennis after tea.

Thursday Jan 11th 1934:

Another day like as unto yesterday. Not quite as hot on account of a strong wind blowing. No rain and both country mail cars were in on time. Had the usual game of tennis. Interest in things waning.

Friday Jan 12th 1934:

We are very thankful today for a slight decrease in the intensity of the heat. A welcome relief. I managed to stick inside a bit today and got some writing done. I also carted some water to put on the three trees I have planted. Had a swim whilst down at the river. Played some tennis after tea. Took Keith as usual to the hospital.

Saturday Jan 13th 1934:

As soon as I got up this morning I started doing a few jobs to the car, getting it ready for a run into Isa on Monday. Fixed tyres and tubes and oiled and greased etc. After lunch called and got my two assistant S.S teachers and together we went through Sunday’s lesson and I endeavoured to impress them with the seriousness of their task. Later turned my place into a shaving saloon for the convenience of a young chap who wanted a good shave on account of tonight’s dance. Went down and had tennis before and after tea and a feed of icecream to finish up.

Sunday Jan 14th 1934:

Had a nice roll up of children for S.S this morning and it was a pleasure to see a few prodigals returning. A few boys came up and spent the afternoon with me. They sprawled round the floor reading while I finalized things for the night service. A nice number at the service during which baptized Mrs Mosterts baby.

Monday Jan 15th 1934:

Up at 5am this morning and at 6.30 had my two passengers on and all loaded up andf left for Mt Isa. Mr Mutton came along behind us in his bus. Pulled up at Split Rock and had breakfast. A good run although very rough and reached Isa at 1.30 pm. Had a long squash to wash the dust down and left Keith and Eileen at Smiths and I went up to the Church. Hobbin in Cloncurry but Fletcher and George Young are baching here. Got cleaned up and then came down and all went and had afternoon tea. Irene is very sick and looks it. After tea went over to the Mines hospital and saw Mavis who looks well in spite of the bad time she is having. Came back and Eileen, Irene and I went to the talkies. Kath and Jack came in at halftime.

Tuesday Jan 16th 1934:

Had breakfast at the Church this morning and then came down and picked up the three girls and luggage and went down to the train and saw Eileen off. Came back then and dashed around until 12.30 collecting parcels etc and doing business for everybody and went across and saw Andy and then left for home. Had a good run out with no trouble and got here at 7pm. Had tea, got bathed and went to bed.

Wednesday Jan 17th 1934:

Delivered my orders this morning. Took Keith to hospital. Jim Davidson very sick in there too. Had Geoff up for awhile after lunch. Took Keith back again this afternoon for a fresh plaster. Had tennis then. A nice cool day.

Thursday Jan 18th 1934:

I am sure I do not know what we will do out here if we do not soon get a spell from this hot weather. It is the first time I have really felt the heat and I do not appreciate it it at all. I have no energy or inclination to do anything. Took Keith up as usual this morning to the hospital. Made a few cxalls during the day and did a little writing. Played some tennis after tea and later attended a hospital meeting.

Friday Jan 19th 1934:

Spent my morning in running around the town from place to place, mainly on account of others and also took Keith to te hospital. Started to do some writing this afternoon but had too many interruptions and so missed the mail. Played some tennis and just on dark started to cart water to put on the court. Had Larry and Neville helping, also Norman for awhile. We did not finish until a bit after 10pm. Went home ten and cleaned and went down to Reilly’s to a party given in M. Woodfulls honor, this being his last night in Camooweal.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Out and about a cure for felling lonely.

Sunday Nov 19th 1933:

Had the children out for S.S this morning. Lulu at home sick. Had to take a message down to the bore this afternoon, took some of the kiddies with me. Not many out at service at night.

Wednesday Nov 22nd 1933:

Spending a few days in town now. Writing, visiting. Jobs on the car. Had a storm just before tea tonight. Jim Daly out here. Also Father Kinnare. Bert Philp taking photos too.

Thursday Nov 23rd 1933:

Weather is continuing very hot and sultry and as a result very depressive. Seem to have lost all interest in things. Depsondent and lonely. Missing Ivy greatly.

Went to the dentist this morning and had 3 teeth out and the plate remodelled. C Johnston in town today. Also Richmond and Clancy. Storm this afternoon has kept them all in over night.

Friday Nov 24th 1933:

Fiinished quite a lot of writing today and got 23 letters posted. Answered some very ancient correspondence. Get very weary of being up here too long on my own.

Saturday Nov 25th 1933:

Weather still continuing very hot. Had a death in the family gthis morning when my dog went down the town, collected a bait, came home and died. Buried him out along the road. Cleaned an polished the car up this morning and reminded a few of their obligations to Church and S.School. Have been taking a few sick every morning to the hospital. Good storms are falling out in the country.

Monday Nov 27th 1933:

Did a little publicity work this morning for the pictures at night and got the hall and plant in order this afternoon. Had a big crowd out at night, taking over 6 pounds at the door and a very good program.

Tuesday Nov 28th 1933:

Did my usual run to the hospital with the sick, after which had morning smoko at Cronin’s. Went to the school at 3.30 pm and then called around at Davidsons and N.L Reilly’s. Good storms all round. 3 inches last night at Urandangi.

Wednesday Nov 29th 1933:

Weather continuing very hot, had good storms all around again today. No cars coming in from outside. Mt Isa mail not yet arrived. Spent most of my time at home reading and writing. A bit of visiting.

Thursday Nov 30th 1933:

Another day .like unto yesterday. Had a good storm strike the town at about 5pm and gave us 40 points. Sudden and severe. Mt Isa mail is broken down 30 miles from Isa and J.Logan went out this afternoon to the rescue. Have now given up the idea od going to Urandangi this week.

Friday Dec 1st 1933:

And still the heat wave prevails but no further rain locally. Mt Isa mail got in this morning. Got my mail and papaers amnd read all the latest news. Attended evening this afternoon in CWA hall in honor of Dr and Mrs Forbes and nurse. Also a bit of an evening at night for the Dr.

Saturday Dec 2nd 1933:

Was up this morning at 5am and went up to the ‘drome and saw Dr off. Plane was well loaded up too. Mrs Forbes had to leave her kitten behind. Late this afternoon four of us had a few sets of tennis. Weather still very hot.

Sunday Dec 3rd 1933:

Had the usual Sunday routine of S.S in the morning and service at night and had a few more than usual at the service. Used the piano rolls for music, Garrett playing and all went well. Bonny’s birthday today so a lorry load went down for the afternoon to the selection.

Monday Dec 4th 1933:

I spent most of my time today in getting the car in readiness for my intended trip to Urandangi, as I hope to get away in the morning. The weather is warming up again and looks as if more rain is not far away.

Tuesday Dec 5th 1933:

Was ready to depart this morning straight after breakfast but it was 10.30am by the time we got away, Frank Weildon is with me. Called in at Mudgee and delivered some parcels and had a drink of tea there and then on to Barclay where we had lunch. We did not stay too long here as the sky was looking very black so pushed on. At No4 we pulled up and found Mr and Mrs Short here and a half-caste, the men are pumping. We provided the cake for smoko and they made the tea and then after a yarn we went on and reached Arcadia at about 3.30pm and here we stayed the night. Only Mr and Mrs Harris and Arthur here. Yarned for awhile after tea and then bed.

Wednesday Dec 6th 1933:

Was on the road this morning soon after sunrise. Met the mail coming up and got Bullecourt letters etc from him. Soon was at the Lake. Spent a couple of hours here amongst the folk and after smoko at 9.30am started off again. Getting near Headingley we could see where the rain had been as there was beautiful green shoots everywhere and water in all the water-holes and low lying places. Frank was very pleased with himself as he shot a turkey with my rifle, the first shot too. At Headingley we stayed awhile and then after lunch went on. Five miles from Urandangi we had tyre trouble and I had to put the spare on but we got in about 3pm. I had some vegetables on for the hotel so delivered them and then went across to Thomas’. Charlie was in the midst of painting and Mrs was in the store. I got to work soon after arriving and fixed the tyres and tubes and got all ready for the return journey. Had smoko halfway through the job. When finished, half a dozen of us went down and had a good swim. Affter tea I went across and got the hall ready for a service and had a nice gathering seeing as how the population of the place is about 30. After the service I showed a few of my moving pictures that I carry with me.

Thursday Dec 7th 1933:

Was up with the sun this morning and loaded up before breakfast. Called and saw all the folk before leaving and got away about 8am. Just before we got to Headingley they had a ring from Jack Mostert asking to hold me as he was coming out and wanted to come on to Camooweal with me. I waited until 11am and he had not then left Urandangi so I could not wait any longer and so left. Had a good run then to Bullecourt where we had lunch. The old couple here are just the same. Having a fairly hard time of it too. I left them a mob of books and papers and they gave me a few dozen eggs and off we went. We went across a few miles to shut a gate that someone had left open and then on to Barclay. Ran through a couple of places where rain had recently fallen but nothing bad. I pulled up at No 6 and talked with a couple of pumpers here, one being a chap from Melbourne. Left some books here and went on, finally reaching Barclay. Had tea here and afterwards baptised Warren’s baby. Big lightning and thunder all round. Jim McCaw got in about 1pm. During the night a few points of rain were registered.