Thursday June 27:1929
Getting back to normal and was able to arise at 7.30 AM and went down to the hotel and breakfasted. Got the mail and read all my correspondence and until lunch did some writing. Borrowed an iron this afternoon and pressed some things I yesterday washed. Had a visit from the aerial doctor who had a call to Brunette station 200 miles out. Dr Pincus went with him and I went up to the ‘drome to see them off. Am hoping to soon be fortunate enough to have a fly myself. Started tonight on getting rid of my much accumulated correspondence. Was able this afternoon to procure some fruit, apples and mandarins, both being three and half pence a piece ( 3-4c), but were very acceptable.
Friday June 28th:
I do not know what I did on this day as it is now Tuesday July 2nd. Too far back to remember. Nothing in particular anyway. One thing I did remember and that was to go across to the hospital and have afternoon tea with the Matron, Dr and the pilot of the air mail plane. At night I did quite a lot of writing by which many have been lifted up in soul. The ambulance plane today brought in from Brunette station, 200 miles in the territory, a man suffering acutely from Malaria. Went to the state school this afternoon and talked to the kiddies and starfted to teach them, Jesus bids us shine. The only hymn they know is Jesus loves me and that not too well.
Saturday June 29th:
Had a pastoral visitation today. Wernt around all the folk in Camooweal and made the acquaintance of quite a number of hitherto strangers to me. A few characters. One old lady quoted Scripture to me , giving chapter and verse, from when I went in until I left. Was very fearful myself as I was afraid she would ask me where some of the quotations were . Got away safely though.
Sunday June 30th:
A very quiet and for me a very lazy day. Had Sunday School in the morning, went to the hospital in the afternoon and talked to the patients, had afternoon tea with the matron and at night had service in the hall. The children are very keen on learning some hymns, so we had a great sing at Sunday School in the morning. No piano but why worry when my voice is so good. There were a nice number out to service at night and I felt that it was a good service. Noone went to sleep at any rate.